About us

FactoidBreaker is a global community of experienced professionals dedicated to sharing our passion and expertise with readers worldwide. Our contributors include journalists, correspondents, editors, IT specialists, doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, travelers and subject matter experts spanning every industry.

As a leading online publisher, FactoidBreaker provides a platform to disseminate knowledge on topics that matter. Whether it is commentary on current events, advice from seasoned professionals, or insights from intrepid travelers, our articles deliver value to readers seeking to broaden their horizons.

At FactoidBreaker, we are continually growing our author base. Writers of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply to lend their voice. We welcome new perspectives from domain experts and talented communicators alike. Our collaborative editorial approach ensures quality while providing flexibility to writers.

In addition to our public website, FactoidBreaker offers customized content solutions for businesses seeking to engage their customers. Our network of experts allows us to quickly scale high-quality production across every subject. We partner with clients to understand their goals and create informative, relevant stories that resonate with their audience.

At the core, FactoidBreaker is driven by a passion for sharing ideas. If you have specialized knowledge to impart or stories to tell, we invite you to contact us. Let’s work together to enrich our global community.

Reach out any time at factoidbreaker@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.