6 Life Hacks for Training Efficiently with the Same Results

Not many people enjoy spending loads of time at the gym. However, many want to see considerable changes in their physique! Experts share how to use your workout time most efficiently to get the same results in less time.

1. Arrive Early

  • Firstly, in the mornings your body is primed for good work.
  • Secondly, at this time the gym is less crowded.
  • Thirdly, it frees up your evenings when you want to do something else.

2. Manage Your Time Well

A training plan is not just nice words, but a way to take a rational approach to the issue. Deciding which exercise to do next takes time and energy. It’s best to sign up for group classes in advance.

3. Have a Backup Plan

You were planning to spend an hour on the exercise bike but they’re all taken? You can substitute the treadmill or something else, but it’s best to have a backup option in your head rather than waste time scrambling for a new idea on the fly.

4. Remember to Warm Up

Warming up can increase your workout’s effectiveness by almost double! All it takes is 5-10 minutes of arm swings, leg swings, and squats.

5. Avoid Distractions

Leave your phone in your locker, don’t prolong breaks, keep a water bottle with you rather than waste time looking for a water cooler.

6. Set Time Limits

If your workout is dragging on due to slow movements and long breaks, set a time goal – and keep an eye on the clock. Plus, high intensity exercise is more effective.

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